Kelham Island Tavern

Full information about Kelham Island Tavern (Establishment and bar) at 62 Russell Street, Sheffield, England S3 8RW - address, phone and fax, official website, working hours, photo, maps, reviews and etc.


Establishment   Bar  

+44 114 272 2482

62 Russell Street
England S3 8RW
United Kingdom

Official Website:

Opening hours


5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews about Kelham Island Tavern

    Pete Hogg Review added: 2018.02.04
    Have a good selection of ales and largers some more odder choices I would'nt normally try.
    The pub is popular and is a mixture of people drinking here, the pub has quite a traditional feel.

    There is wheelchair access down the side of the pub, once inside you will need to ask people to move as it is tight in places with it being an old building.

    The staff seem reasonable enough and prices are standard.

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